175 rows
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
name ▼ | objects_hr | arrows_hr |
*Aut | star-autonomous categories | lax monoidal functors |
1 | (is) the point | (is) the identity arrow |
1Type | homotopy 1-types | continuous maps |
2 | two objects | the walking arrow (and two identity arrows) |
2Cat | 2-categories | 2-functors |
Ab | Abelian groups | group maps |
AbCat | Abelian categories | right exact functors |
AbTor | Abelian torsion groups | group maps |
AbTorF | torsion-free Abelian groups | group maps |
AdicCRing | commutative adic rings | continuous ring maps |
AdicRing | adic rings | continuous ring maps |
AdmRep | admissible domain representations | representable continuous maps |
Alg(Ab) | algebras of monoids in Ab (rings) | algebra maps |
Ass | assemblies | computable maps |
Aut | regular (Moore) automata | simulations |
BanAlg | Banach algebras | short linear maps |
BanRing | Banach rings | short group maps |
Ban_k | Banach spaces over fields k | short linear maps |
BiCat | bicategories | pseudofunctors |
Bij | sets | bijections |
Bimod(Ab) | monoids in Ab (rings) | bimodules of monoids in Ab (rings) |
BoolAlg | Boolean algebras | lattice maps |
BrMonCat | braided monoidal categories | lax monoidal functors |
CMon | commutative monoids | monoid maps |
CPO | complete partial orders | Scott-continuous maps |
CPROP | colored monoidal product & permutation categories | eso strict monoidal functors |
CRing | commutative rings | ring maps |
CW | CW complexes | cellular maps |
CartSp | Cartesian spaces | smooth maps |
Cat | categories | functors |
Ch.(Vect_k) | chain complices of vector spaces | linear maps |
Circ | the natural numbers | Boolean circuits |
Cluster | partitioned sets | non-refinement-increasing maps |
CommAlg(Ab) | commutative algebras of monoids in Ab (rings) | algebra maps |
Comp | compacta (compact Hausdorff spaces) | continuous maps |
CompBoolAlg | complete Boolean algebras (CABAs) | lattice maps |
CompCat | compact closed categories | lax monoidal functors |
CompLat | complete lattices | lattice maps |
CompMet | complete metric spaces | short maps |
CompNormGrp | complete normed groups | short group maps |
DCPO | directed-complete partial orders | Scott-continuous maps |
DGCAlg | differential-graded commutative algebras of vector spaces | differential-graded algebra maps |
DGph | digraphs | digraph maps |
DSet | dendroidal sets | dendroidal maps |
DagCat | †-categories (dagger categories) | †-functors (dagger functors) |
DagCompCat | compact closed †-categories | lax monoidal †-functors |
DblCat | double categories | double functors |
Diff | differentiable manifolds | continuous maps |
DirGph | directed graphs | graph maps |
DistLat | distributive lattices | lattice maps |
Eff | sets with computable equality | computable maps |
EffAdmRep | effective admissible domain representations | computable continuous maps |
Feyn | Feynman diagrams | symmetries of Feynman diagrams |
Field | fields | field maps |
FinGrp | finite groups | group maps |
FinHilb | finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces | short linear maps |
FinMet | finite metric spaces | short maps |
FinOrd | the finite ordinal numbers | order-preserving maps |
FinSet | finite sets | finite maps |
FinVect_k | finite vector spaces over fields k | linear maps |
FinVect_q | finite vector spaces over finite fields of order q | linear maps |
Frm | frames | frame maps |
G | the natural numbers | globe maps |
Gph | undirected graphs | graph maps |
Grp | groups | group maps |
Grpd | groupoids | functors |
Haus | Hausdorff (T₂) spaces | continuous maps |
HeytAlg | Heyting algebras | lattice maps |
Hilb | Hilbert spaces | short linear maps |
Hilb₀ | Hilbert spaces | unitary operators |
Ho(Cat) | categories | natural isomorphism classes of functors |
Ho(Eff) | numbered sets | homotopy classes of computable maps |
Ho(Grpd) | groupoids | natural isomorphism classes of functors |
Ho(Top) | topological spaces | homotopy classes of continuous maps |
Hyp | finite directed hypergraphs | hypergraph maps |
I | two objects | the walking isomorphism (and two identity arrows) |
Idem | idempotent endofunctions | idempotency-respecting maps |
Inj | sets | injections |
KV | computable real numbers | computable maps |
LMet | Lawvere metric spaces | short maps |
Lat | lattices | lattice maps |
Lex | finitely complete categories | left exact functors |
LieAlg_k | Lie algebras over vector spaces over fields k | linear maps |
LieGrp | Lie groups | smooth group maps |
LieRing | Lie rings | group maps |
Loc | locales | continuous maps |
Log | topoi | logical functors |
Man | smooth manifolds | smooth maps |
Mat_R | the natural numbers | matrices over rings R |
Mat_SR | the natural numbers | matrices over semirings SR |
Mat_k | the natural numbers | matrices over fields k |
Meas | measurable spaces | measurable maps |
Met | metric spaces | short maps |
Mod(Ab) | modules of monoids in Ab (rings) | module maps |
Mon | monoids | monoid maps |
MonCat | monoidal categories | lax monoidal functors |
Mono | injections | commuting squares |
MultiSet | multisets | multimaps |
NormAb | normed Abelian groups | group maps |
NormGrp | normed groups | short group maps |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited, object
CREATE TABLE "categories" ( "name" TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, "objects_hr" TEXT NOT NULL, "arrows_hr" TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY("name") );