Restriction Categories
A restriction category is a category with a restriction operator which restricts each arrow to a subdomain. By analogy, the original category's arrows are partial, but the arrows of the subcategory obtained by restricting every arrow are total.
The restriction operator extends to a functor from restriction categories to categories:
Total : RCat → Cat
Additionally, every restriction category forms a double category whose vertical arrows are the original partial arrows and horizontal arrows are the restricted total arrows. This construction also extends to a functor from restriction categories to double categories:
Dc : RCat → DblCat
0 rows where total_subcategory = "MultiSet"
This data as json
0 records
CREATE TABLE "restriction_categories" ( "total_subcategory" TEXT NOT NULL, "partial_category" TEXT NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY("total_subcategory") REFERENCES "categories"("name") on update cascade on delete restrict, PRIMARY KEY("partial_category","total_subcategory"), FOREIGN KEY("partial_category") REFERENCES "categories"("name") on update cascade on delete restrict );